Peter Fenner
Our Client
Dr Peter Fenner has a multifaceted practice as a writer, author, spiritual coach, and trainer in teachings of deep Buddhist philosophy. The founder of Timeless Wisdom and the pioneer of a number of programs and courses, Dr Peter Fenner based his research on Asian nondual wisdom. He hosts virtual workshops and spiritual retreats all over the world as a leader in his academic field, with a global following for his work, particularly in the US. Peter is qualified with a PhD in the philosophical psychology of the Madhyamika school of Mahayana Buddhism and has developed a range of courses about nondual awareness as well as authoring numerous books.

Their Challenge
Dr Peter Fenner previously had multiple websites for the various programs he hosted but lacked a website that conveyed his personal brand and summarised his life’s work. He was looking to highlight his profile and career through a website specially created for his personal brand.
Peter’s previous websites lacked organisation and clear structure. They were made from outdated templates, with a design that did not convey his expertise. Peter needed a website with a modern approach and improved structure, but which did not compromise his personal brand and expertise related to spiritual academia.
Our Approach
Client Relations
We worked closely with Peter throughout each step of our design and development processes. We worked with him to gather his requirements and understand his aims and target audience, predominantly students from the US. With a number of iterations, we worked with Peter to understand and implement his style preferences for the website design and attend any concerns. Throughout the project, we had open communication while offering regular project management updates. We conducted meetings flexibly, usually at Peter’s office.
- Requirement gathering document and meetings
- Regular review meetings and progress updates
- Ongoing communication via phone and email
- Client approval for all aspects of the website
- Balanced design preferences and needs of the target audience
Our Solution
Website Branding and UI Design
We created a website for Peter Fenner with his international audience base in mind. We transitioned to the URL which is better suited to his personal branding than just taking an arm of his organisation, Timeless Wisdom, which used to have the previous URL of ‘’.
We prepared the website to serve as a strategic platform to promote his books and sell various courses and programs to audiences across the world including the US, Europe, Australia and Israel.
UX Design
We used multiple UX design features on the website to increase audience engagement and experience, improving the time spent on the website. We changed the structure of the content on the website and optimised it to improve the user experience for audience engagement.
Small details such as the cover images of the various programs featured on the website shrinking upon mouseover. These subtle effects elevate the mood of the website and increase the audience’s perception of cohesive brand quality. Picturesque photos scrolling on the home page leads the audience to various pages on the website, increasing the time spent on the website with a user-friendly navigation flow.
- Improved cohesive structure of the website with better organisation of content
- Subtle mouseover animations on buttons and images increase user engagement
- Balanced bright abstract images with content
- Added engaging videos and audio content throughout the site
Project Handover
We supported Peter Fenner’s new website for 2 months like all of our clients once his website went live. We provided ongoing support once the website went live like 24/7 monitoring and bug fixing. Project handover also included administration training, where we provided Peter with backend training for website management to help him to easily add or change any content.
- Two months of ongoing support
- Website backend training
- Training documentation
- 24/7 website monitoring
- URL redirection