A Complete Guide About .au direct’s Launch

September 30, 2021, auDA CEO Rosemary Sinclair conducted a webinar on the launch of ‘.au direct’; the newest domain namespace for Australia. The webinar quoted the process behind auDA’s launch of .au direct, the benefits it will provide for all Australian Internet users and the Priority Allocation Process.
.au direct indicates domain names registered with ‘.au’ - like 'getyour.au'. From its launch on 24 March 2022, Australian users will have the opportunity for registering a new domain name in the new namespace.
What is .au Direct?
.au direct is a domain namespace or zone, that will be provided in extension to namespaces you may know, such as ‘.net.au’, ‘.com.au’, ‘.gov.au’, ‘.edu.au’, ‘.org.au’, etc. On 24 March 2022, users such as businesses, government bodies, and institutions will also be capable of registering or applying for domain names directly with ‘.au’.

As a part of the responsibility of auDA to completely administer the ‘.au’ domain for all Australians, they are required to keep up with the pace of community expectations, international innovations and emerging to meet Australians’ requirements.
Take a look at today's scenario:
- Websites are generally accessed through mobile devices such as mobile phones and tablets, where shortened domain names are more convenient to users.
- Small start-ups planning to enter the market and in their initial stages may not yet have registered an ABN; a qualification needed to use a .com.au domain.
- Businesses executing short marketing campaigns generally set up a microsite with a short and contrasting domain name.
- People with hobbies or those who are interested in registering their own names for email addresses are also searching for new options.
.au direct is one idea we support due to the restraints other namespace requirement.au direct provides:
- More choices of available names in the .au domain
- Conveniences to register shorter, more catchy domain names
- An opportunity for new domain names that are uncomplicated to type and display on mobile gadgets
Benefits of .au Direct
As a business in Australia, for various reasons, you may be doubtful about using it for your Australian business. Such doubts limit your company from leveraging the benefits that come with it.

As such, here we have provided you with the top 3 benefits of registering a new domain name for your firm. Find out if .au direct can help you to stay ahead of your competition.
Shorter URL
Having a shorter URL can be more memorable for your business in the online world and it is an advantage for sure. Not only will it be simple for a potential audience to search and identify you on search engines, but it also appears better visually on print or any displays and bestows a professional touch to your brand. Microsites and new landing pages to back online marketing strategies will also have more URL options and creative flexibility. With enough brand exposure and shopping done on our mobile devices these days, a shorter domain name is flexible to use and may be useful for your growing brand.
Show your Australian Presence
More than that of a shorter domain name, .au direct domain points out your Australian presence without the need for explanations. It works the same as .com.au, but is four characters shorter, presenting a more authentic and reliable business to online audiences while still offering you room for creativity. For potential and younger users who are new to your brand, a .au direct domain can give them more confidence to click on your URL when searching online.
If you are a business owner without an online presence, you now have more opportunities to select from when considering a domain name. If your business is primarily in Australia and/or targeting an audience in Australia, a .au direct domain can help to grow your business. Selecting the right domain name is imperative to your business, so having an additional option can support an informed decision.
Avoid Brand Theft
By getting your .au direct domain name, you can make sure that your business is secured from online scammers. They will be restricted to using your .au direct domain for fraudulent works, along with your existing and potential clients. Therefore your brand name is protected and it will be in your control. Allowing you to go on to create trust among your existing client base.
Who Can Apply?
Anybody who is in Australia or has a local connection to Australia will be fit for registration. The eligibility criteria is more flexible than the .com.au or .org.au eligibility requirements, which have a clear-cut allocation procedure. Therefore a broader group of applicants will be open to a wider choice of domain names.

If you already have a .com.au namespace, you will be prioritised on the .au direct similar to your current namespace, during the initial six months from 24 March 2022 (Priority Allocation Period). During this period, the .au direct namespace will be reserved for your brand and will not be available to the public.
Priority Status Tool
If there is more than one user eligible to register the .au direct (e.g. if the same name is used for one with .com.au, and .net.au) there will be an issue, and priority for registration will be based on the earliest domain creation date – Category 1- (before 4 February 2018), or Category 2 (after 4 February 2018). If the problem still remains (ie., if there are two Category 1 users), an agreement or negotiation will be required.
What’s Next?
You can apply for priority status as the new application process is accessible on 24 March 2022. In the meantime, it is recommended to check that your current domain name registration credentials are updated, specifically if you are considering claiming priority on the .au direct namespace. Trademark protection is always a bonus for your business, as this secures exclusivity for your name, and is an effective tool in domain name disputes.